Janet Bemis Suddarth
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Mary and I were also best friends in grade school. It seemed our mutual name was Maryunjanet. We took turns most of the summer, Friday night at her house (my parents wouldn't allow "Twighlight Zone") and Saturday at Daddy's christmas tree farm in rural Warrenton..The hours of immagination. In 7th grade Mary took French and I took Spanish...we were never in classes together again. I have and will always miss her smiling beautiful face. Love you, Mary
Frank, Stuart Chase, Randy Cole, Mary Roberts and I all lived within two blocks of each other...spent lots of summer time starting "clubs" and putting on talent shows in Mary's back yard to make money for charity. Not much money, we weren't very talented! Frankie was a great friend to all, his choice of life work was a perfect way to use his talent.. Dearly missed. Janet Bemis Suddarth